My portfolio!

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about me.

Get to know me

​I've studied graphic design and worked within the industry but I wanted to deepen my understanding and broaden my skill set. So... here I am! Studying a BSCI of Digital Media and Development at Winchester uni and now an aspiring Frontend Developer!. I'm loving challenging myself!

My passions outside of university are all things design, particularly Interior and Graphic Design, as well as using my hands to create things with DIY.

portrait picture

My Processes.


I am a visual person, so the first thing I do if bullet down my ideas, then sketch out the elements for the website that are stadning out to me and that I think are key.


Next I create a basic wireframe of those pages onto a piece of paper, and from there create a more detailed mockup. This mockup will include color schemes, fonts and stock placeholder images.


I will then detail out the sections that might have trickier functionallity, figuring out the best way to go about this and if not, find a suitable alternative.


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Some client reviews.