Second year planning sheet:
Not done Doing Done Void
Week 5 Week 6 Week  7 Week  8 Week  9 Week  10 Week  11 Week  12 Week  13 Week  14 Week  15 Week  16 Assessment week
18th - 24th Oct 25th - 31st Oct 1st - 7th Nov 8th -14th Nov 15th - 21st Nov Nov 22nd - 28th 29th - 5th Dec 6th - 12th Dec 13th - 19th Dec 20th - 26th Dec 27th - 2nd Jan 3rd - 9th Jan 10th - 16th Jan
RSA Case study: Due:
Aims & objectives 24th Oct                          
Write draft 24th Oct                          
Primary examples in Padlet 24th Oct                          
Write out methodology 25th Oct                          
Plan prim research:                          
Interview questions 25th Oct                          
Survey questions 25th Oct                          
Pharmacy questions 25th Oct                          
Tech companies questions 26th Oct                          
Where to send primary questions? 26th Oct                          
Look into Qualtrics 27th Oct                          
Send questions^^ 27th Oct                          
Book interviews 30th Oct                          
Research objective 1 25th Oct                          
Research objective 2 (Cell A35) 1st Nov                          
Draft methodology 29th Oct                          
Send to Tech companies 28th Oct                          
Interview with Paige Gwyer 8th Nov                          
Interview with Sarah Murphy 5th Nov                          
Interview with Harriet 11th Nov                          
Interview with Jade Windsor 11th Nov                          
Complete Ethics approval & send 3rd Nov                          
Research objective 3 & 4 12th Nov                          
Analyse primary data 15th Nov                          
Book 1-2-1 with Marina 11th Nov                          
Qualitrics responses 18thNov                          
1-2-1 Marina 16th Nov                          
Create mind maps to figure out flow of writing 16th Nov                          
Gather ALL secondary data 25th Nov                          
Re-find sources to replace poor ones 25th Nov                          
Check valididity of my sources!!!!! 28th Nov                                           
Cost of development 29th Nov                          
Constrasting views maybe? 30th Nov                          
Create dictionary in appendiceis  30th Nov                          
RSA Individual:                          
Make oral pres 19th Oct                          
Most used amenities? 5th Nov                          
Update individual powerpoint 3rd Nov                          
Play around with Arduino board 10th Nov                          
Create logo 10th Nov                          
Create website 10th Nov                          
Add content to website 11th Nov                          
Add correct fields to graph 17th Nov                          
Send Cherry measurements 16th Nov                          
Recieve render from Cherry 17th Nov                          
Find out correct format needed to print tap 18th Nov                          
Style graph 23rd Nov                          
Learn APIs and Json 23rd Nov                          
Restyle api data on graph 26th Nov                          
Respond websites 28th Nov                          
Create pres 30th Nov                           
Create hand in boards 6th Dec                           
Sail ID - group:                          
Finish pres with Zac 20th Oct                          
Call with Zac, design 25th Oct                          
Get logo & designs from Zac 31st Oct                          
Group call with client ???                          
Waiting for Zac with mockup  7th Nov                          
Research php functions 16th Nov                          
Wireframe build website 14th Nov                          
Add form upload 15th Nov                          
Tesseract info on website 19th Nov                          
Breakdown form code to explain 19th Nov                          
Create logo 18th Nov                          
Create all pages for website 23rd Nov                          
Create references and biliogrpahy 16th Dec                          
Contact Paul (client)                          
Add Linkedin icons 25th Oct                          
Add php template 22nd Oct                          
Finish home 22nd Oct                          
Add about page 23rd Oct                          
Add project page 27th Oct                          
Add contact page 28th Oct                          
Look at moving text box 1st Nov                          
Fix CSS error!!! 2nd Nov                          
Add content to website 12th Nov                          
Continue working on this 13th Nov                          
Sail ID - group: 17th Nov                  1st Dec                          
Case study 2nd Dec                          
Respond portfolio 3rd Dec                          
Add live CV 3rd Dec                          
Respond website 11th Dec                          
Check all links 11th Dec                          
Check whole website 13th Dec                          
Check all pages against assessment sheet 14th Dec