Time managament plan
To do:   Doing:   Done:   Not done:  
Subjects: Tasks: Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Reading Week Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Spring break Week 11 Week 12 Week 13
23rd-29th 30th-05th 06th-12th 13th-19th 20th-26th 27th-05th 06th-12th 13th-19th 20th-26th 27th-02nd 03rd-23rd April 24th-30th 01st-07th 08th-14th
General Create logos for client                             
Continue client logos                            
Complete client logos                            
Browse job boards                            
Re-write bio on CV                            
Start applying for jobs                             
Wathc Figma tutorial and build fake project                            
Contact Mike from Summit                            
Apply for jobs with finished portfolio                            
Meet with Jill for                             
Meet with Summit                            
Development plan Brainstorm project ideas and new skills to add to portfolio                            
Research Edamam and documentation                             
Research Postman API platform                            
Explore turning JavaScript and turning it to HTML                            
Start web design mockup                            
Research creating an array with JS                            
Create prototype                            
Build out HTML wireframe based on design                            
Add to prototype with Bootstrap                            
Continue developement                            
Research React.js                            
Build demo React app                            
Add React component to HTML                            
Prototype speech recognition                            
Finish speech recognition                            
Write up dev log for speech demo                            
Build homepage with react                            
Finish build of homepage                            
Type up dev log notes                            
Add footer to Recipe Binder                            
Add link for Recipe                            
Add recipe and voice search page                            
Check new pages against marking criteria                            
Update CV                            
Add link for Printed Portfolio                            
Proof read and submit                            
Printed Portfolio Research printed and digital portfolios                            
Install InDesign                            
Wireframe initial designs on paper                            
Decide on fonts                            
Start laying out pages                            
Decide imagrey style                             
Contiue creating portfolio                            
Add text                             
Update contents page                            
Check all images                            
Add back cover page                            
Proof read                            
Dissertation Start thinking about how to action primary research goals                            
Read and action feedback from lit review                            
Submit primary and methodology                            
Complete ethics forms                            
Edit changes on ethics forms                            
Create presentation                            
Add questions to ethics forms                            
Add consent and data section to ethics forms                            
Choose exact locations and make info doc for emails                            
Proof read and send out surveys                            
Email Digital Agencies                            
Post surveys to linked in too                            
  Analyse results                             
  Continue writing                            
  Format doc                            
  Proof read and submit